Need to know
How do I watch the on demand content?
Click the On Demand button located on the top menu bar. Please note you must be logged in to access the recording.
I can't remember/set my password!
Click the Forgot Your Password? button on the login page to be emailed with a link to reset it.
How do I find out more about a session?
Click the down arrow under the name of the session:

Doing so will reveal each of the presentations taking place within that session:

Will I need to download specific software or an App?
Google Chrome is the recommended browser. If you typically use another browser such as Edge or Safari, we highly recommend that you download Google Chrome.
What device should I use to watch?
We strongly advise that you participate via your desktop or laptop computer/mac that has good speakers. Mobile devices are supported but the best experience will be through the desktop or laptop computer/mac.